2015 Enrolment Days August 12 and August 14
August 9, 2014Enrolments for 2015
All enrolments for 2015 will be governed under the new One Tree Hill College Enrolment Scheme. Please refer to the map on this website for the One Tree Hill College enrolment zone.
In Zone Enrolments:
All in zone students for 2015 must enrol by attending one of the One Tree Hill College special enrolment days on Tuesday 12 August or Thursday 14 August, 8.00am - 8.00pm. No Appointments are required. All students must be with their parents/caregivers and bring proof ID (passport or birth certificate), latest school report and proof of address (utility bill - power, water, rates are the only accepted proof of address).
Out of Zone Enrolments:
All out of zone students for 2015 must apply for enrolment by attending one of the One Tree Hill College special enrolment days on Tuesday 12 August or Thursday 14 August, 8.00am - 8.00pm. No Appointments are required. All students must be with their parents/caregivers and bring proof ID (passport or birth certificate), latest school report and proof of address (utility bill - power, water, rates are the only accepted proof of address). All out of zone applications will then be subject to the ballot process governed by the Ministry of Education.
All out of zone applications must be received by 3 September 2014. The ballot will be conducted on 10 September 2014.