College Routines

Hours of College

The school day starts at 8.45am (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) and 9.15am (Tuesday) and students are dismissed to catch buses at 3.15pm each day. If you are late to school you must report to the Student Services Centre. Sports practices normally finish at 4.30pm.


Regular attendance is essential for success at school. Please phone the Attendance Officer if your child is unable to come to school. When students return to school after an absence they must bring a note stating the number of days and the reason for the absence. This note must be signed by a parent or guardian and be given to the whanau teacher or Attendance Officer, even if there has already been phone contact. Parents/guardians are asked to advise the College in writing if an absence is known about ahead of time. If a student is late to school they will be required to sign in before going to class.

Class Attendance

A roll will be taken at each class and Whānau time. Period by period attendance can be viewed by parents via the KAMAR Parent Portal.

Leaving School Grounds

Students must remain on school grounds throughout the day, unless granted a pass from the Student Services Centre. This requires a note from a parent/guardian.


A student who needs medical attention while at school should report to the Student Services Centre. Parents will be contacted to collect students.


The College accepts no responsibility for unnecessary valuables, mobile phones, or large sums of money brought to school. Such items can be handed in to the College reception for safekeeping.

Mobile Phones and Earphones

Mobile phones and headphones are only to be used outside of school hours. If students are seen with or using their phones or earphones, they will be confiscated. The first offence will result in the student having their phone returned at the end of the school day by a Deputy/ Assistant Principal. Subsequent misuse of phones and headphones will require a caregiver to collect the item from one of the Deputy/ Assistant Principals at the end of a school day upon arrangement.

Incorrect Uniform

Students wearing non-uniform items must report to the Uniform Room at 8.45am. The student must bring a note explaining the situation from a parent or caregiver. Confiscated non-uniform items can be collected at the end of the term by students or earlier by a parent.

Lost Property

All personal property should be clearly named. Please report to Student Services  reception if you have lost/misplaced any items.

Student Vehicles

Students are not permitted to park on the school grounds. Students who choose to travel to and from school in their own vehicles must park outside of the school grounds and are expected to fully adhere to the conditions of their licence and all road rules.

Dropping Off/Picking Up Students

Students must be dropped off and picked up from outside the College to avoid congestion. All gates are locked for 30 minutes at the start and end of the school day to ensure the safety of students walking and taking school buses.  It is suggested to use a suitable pick-up/drop-off point along Rockfield Road.


All visitors must report to the College reception where requests will be dealt with in an appropriate manner. Members of the public are not permitted to walk around the College without permission.