Reading Enrichment Features in the NZ Herald

|| October 18, 2014

The Reading Enrichment Programme (REP) at One Tree Hill College was developed from a reading support initiative set up by past principal Anne Dunphy and businessman Harvey Alison, representing the Penrose Rotary Club.

Seventeen years on and two very supportive principals later, REP is a well-established reading support programme that is strongly integrated into the teaching and learning programmes of One Tree Hill College and its whole school community.

The REP programme is seen by management and staff as a part of the college’s literacy delivery, and as such, students selected on the programme have ‘REP’ appear on their official college timetable. 

The programme is run by long serving staff member Brian Langdon and is still supported by Harvey Alison and the Penrose Rotary Club.

The programme was recently visited by the New Zealand Herald and their article can be accessed using the link below.