Make a Difference - Become a School Trustee
April 27, 2016
2016 is the Board of Trustees election year. Parent representatives hold five seats on the One Tree Hill College Board of Trustees for a three year term of office.
The Board of Trustees is the Crown entity responsible for the governance of the school. The Board is the employer of all staff in the school and is responsible for setting the school's strategic direction in consultation with parents, staff and students, and for ensuring that its school provides a safe environment and high quality education for all its students.
Being a School Trustee is an important and rewarding role. Parents, caregivers and people from the wider community can all be trustees. We’re looking for a range of people with a variety of skills and experiences, who believe in making a positive difference to our student’s learning.
Further information about being a trustee is available on
Important Dates for the elections are as follows:
06 May Nominations Open
20 May Nominations Close
25 May Voting papers sent out
3 June Voting Closes
9 June Counting/Results
10 June New Board of Trustees takes office
Nomination forms for prospective Board Members will be posted out to all families on our school database by Friday 06 May 2016. The nomination form must be returned by Friday 20 May 2016.
Our school database needs to be accurate to ensure that every parent/caregiver receives information about the election process and voting forms. If you have moved since enrolling your son and/or daughter in our school, you must ensure your correct address is in our system. Please contact the school office on 579 5049 or to update your information via email, you can do so here.