Academic Excellence 2024
August 22, 2024
At a recent senior school assembly, the college recognised our Year 11 and 12 students who had gained NCEA Merit, or Excellence endorsements in 2023. Sadly, we could not celebrate with last year’s Year 13s as they are now off on their future pathways, but we did recognise their success at the assembly also. The college holds this assembly to honour and publicly acknowledge the achievements of our top academic scholars each year. It is an opportunity to present these students with their Academic Excellence badges to proudly wear on their uniform, showcasing their resilience and diligence after a year of hard work. Apart from the immense pride we all share in the students' achievements, it is also the inspiration they provide for others. We know all students want to achieve to their personal best, so to see friends and peers perform at such great standards makes these achievements more realistic, and hopefully inspires others to gain an Academic Excellence badge next year.
Principal, Mr. Coughlan spoke of the importance of this assembly, he said, “It reiterates to our community that the students at One Tree Hill College are performing at the same heights as many students in any school across New Zealand. It also means that we have great teachers working with our students. The critical partnership between students and teachers is the key to success – and we definitely achieve that!”. Level Two Excellence endorsee, Felix Ward-Smith said, “I’m really proud of everyone that achieved well in 2023, and I’m confident we can do even better for 2024,”. Once again, congratulations to all Year 11s, 12s, and 13s who achieved a merit or excellence endorsement in 2023.