Athletics Day 2024
May 14, 2024
After a day of togetherness, encouragement and love the students at OTHC were united in our enjoyment of participating in the college’s annual Athletics Day. Athletics Day is a day where our whānau houses (Hīnau, Tawa, Kōwhai and Miro) come together to have some competitive fun. Hundreds of students participated all wearing the colours of their respective whānau. This resulted in a huge rainbow of red, green, purple, and yellow radiating throughout the stadium. Students were so happy that they could have a day of activities and fun to start off the school year on a positive note. The day (which was held at Mt Smart Stadium) started off with the whānau run; Hīnau was first off followed by Miro, then Tawa and finished with Kōwhai. Despite the hot weather, everyone participated in the activities, had fun, and competed with their friends and other whānau houses. The day was full of fun activities such as shot put, relay races, high jump, long jump and many more that had the four whānau competing fiercely for the win.
There were numerous positive comments heard during the day from the many students participating. “It was fun and enjoyable doing things you're not use to”, said one, while another one said, “It was great to meet new people while we competed in the different events.” Athletics Day is a day where the students get out of their comfort zones and try things they have never tried before to make new friends and have a great time. After tallying up the many points from the different events it was announced that Kōwhai Whānau had held out to once again win the Athletics Shield. Whānau Co Leader Mr Maea-Brown was very proud of his whānau effort and said, “Fantastic to see all Kōwhai whānau out in full flight... when you win the morning you win the day. Were going back to back next year as well”. Mr Davies who was the overall organiser of the day said, “It was so good being able to hold the day back at Mt Smart. It was wonderful seeing the amazing whānau spirit coming through with competitors trying their best for their whānau. The Sports Department led by Mr Faunt and Mr Taukolo did an awesome job in organising such a successful day”. The student body would also like to thank everyone who helped put on such an enjoyable day.